
Built out of Masonite and plywood, the frame was cut mostly on a bandsaw. The keyboard is arranged into several connected strips, with the channels between the keys cut at depth out of a piece of plywood. A stone-texture spray paint was applied and ocvered with black spray paint to give a vintage pleather finish. A light was mounted on the interior, and black paper attached to the back of the plexiglass screen with cutouts to let light through.

Built from ripped down lumber and spare luan, this pair of tables was built with the goal of creating butcher block counters. The counter is a ply box with supports inside, with sanding and painting to look uniform. The drawers function as well, and use paste wax and a catch at the rear of the drawer instead of hardware.

Pencil is made from a spare piece of lumber cut octagonally on a bandsaw and painted to finish. Pen is made from a carboard tube with a pvc tube inside, and a wooden nib fit into it. The tight but slideable fit of these two elements allows for the pen to be clicked in or out. Checkbook is cardboard with velcro hidden inside the fold-over, which naturally attaches to the check, which is made of a heavy, fabric like paper.

Masonite case and trim. Face is luan covered with silver film and then dulled with hairspray. Interior light turns on to illuminate display. Fits an 8 track cartridge.

Furniture foam cut into the shape of a burger, with lettuce tomato and cheese made of craft foam, sprayed with a few layers of paint. We made about 60 of these for a children's show. Each burger is squishy and lightweight.

Felt stiched together to mimic a pennant the designer had researched, done over the course of about an hour.


September 28th, 29th, 30th
7pm @ the Kraine Theater
A fast-paced, dark ensemble comedy.
After the unexpected death of a classmate, eight distant friends convene on a large suburban house to celebrate, grieve and reconcile their shared pasts and diverging futures.
Run time: 2hrs, including 15 minute intermission
Sam Wood is a playwright, props artisan, and theater professional working and living in NYC. He received a bachelor's degree from the University of Wisconsin - Madison in Creative Writing as well as Theatre. He currently works for the Juilliard School of Drama as a carpenter and as a props deck crew for the Blue Man Group. He has worked freelance all around town, including the New York Film Academy and the Wooster Group. He is currently part of Theatre Write Now's playwriting cohort, developing a new play. His past work includes "The Overwhelming Urge to be Completely Destroyed", performed at the Kraine Theater and "August, 25 cents" at Ioaw State University.
He likes making crosswords, restoring old technology, playing piano, and rooting for the Green Bay Packers.